27 May 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 27MAY2010

Cops investigate NT UFO invasion

Astronomers and police say that the flares seen across a 360km-long stretch of the Top End coast were probably caused by a meteor shower. ...

A significant event in the night sky

Cranbrook Daily Townsman
By GERRY WARNER Reports are still trickling in about the massive meteor shower seen over the Kootenays May 12. The shower is believed to be part of the ...

Sighting - Orange Ball of Glowing Light Over Livingston West Lothian UK

Before It's News - ‎49 分前‎
We didn't think it was an aeroplane, or a meteorite and could not come up with a rational explanation of what it was? What are all these glowing balls of ...

Sighting - Orange Ball of Glowing Light Over Livingston West Lothian UK

Before It's News - ‎49 分前‎
We didn't think it was an aeroplane, or a meteorite and could not come up with a rational explanation of what it was? What are all these glowing balls of ...

Research station out of this world

Northern News Services (subscription) - ‎18 時間前‎
Lee said 39 million years ago, a meteorite impact created the Haughton Crater which is approximately 1.6 kilometres deep and 20 kilometres wide. On the ...

Den Sternen so nah - Das Night Skies Program im Shenandoah Nationalpark bringt ...

openPR.de (Pressemitteilung) - ‎16 時間前‎
... in die unendlichen Weiten des Universums schauen und erfahren, welche Bedeutung Sterne, Planeten, Monde, Asteroide, Meteoriten und Galaxien haben. ...
To the stars so near - the Night of ski program in Shenandoah national park brings ... open PR.de (press release)-
‎16 時間前‎ ... in the infinite width of the universe look and find out, which meaning stars, planets, moons, Asteroide, meteorites and galaxies have....

Meteoryt z Marsa wyjaśni zagadkę marsjańskiej wody?

Onet.pl - ‎25 分前‎
Brytyjska Agencja Kosmiczna poinformowała, że naukowcy badają fragmenty meteorytu pochodzącego z Marsa w nadziei, że pomoże to ustalić kiedy na Marsie ...
Meteorite from Mars mystery explained Martian water? Onet.pl - 25 分 前
British Space Agency announced that scientists examine the meteorite fragments
derived from Mars in the hope that this will help determine when to Mars ...


红网 - ‎22 時間前‎
2009年11月26日拍摄的卡西尼号飞船捕捉到这张带有著名的奥德修斯陨石坑的土卫三(直径1062公里)在土星最大的卫星土卫六(直径5150公里)后面滑动的图像。 ...
HD Photo: Saturn to explore Red Net - 22 hours ago November 26, 2009 shooting Cassini spacecraft captured this with the famous Odysseus crater of the Tethys (diameter 1062 km) in Saturn's largest moon Titan (diameter 5150 km) behind the slide images. ...

专访中国稀土界泰斗苏锵院士 揭开稀土资源价值面纱

中国武汉 - ‎14 時間前‎
苏院士介绍,稀土元素并不稀有,稀土元素的分布很广,根据获得的陨星、陨石、太阳和太阳系的 光谱分析数据,发现宇宙中存在稀土。地球上稀土资源很丰富,但分布不均, ...
Interview with the Chinese Academy of rare earth industry leading authority Su Qiang veil lifted the value of rare earth resources in Wuhan, China - 14
Time before
Su Yuanshi introduction, rare earth elements are not rare, rare earth elements is widely distributed, according to access to the meteorite, meteorites, the sun and the solar system's spectrum, is found to exist in the universe of rare earth. Rare earth resources are abundant, but unevenly distributed, ...

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